What is PET/CT?

A PET/CT - Positron emission tomography / computed tomography scan reveals information about both the structure and function of cells and tissues in the body during a single imaging session. During a PET/CT scan, the patient is first injected with a solution that contains a very small amount of radioactive material. The substance is absorbed by the particular organs or tissues being examined. By combining information about the body's anatomy and metabolic function, a PET/CT scan provides a more detailed picture of cancerous tissues than either test does alone. The images are captured in a single scan, which provides a high level of accuracy.


Seeing if the cancer has spread

Finding the primary tumor in metastatic disease

Availability of disease for surgical treatment

Restaging (finding recurrence) of cancer disease

Choosing optimal tratment method

Staging of cancer disease

Seeing if a cancer treatment is working

Calculating the metabolic activity of tumor

Imaging of dementia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

Evaluating miocardial viability and functions


PET-CT scans can help to diagnose cancer, find out how big a cancer is and whether it has spread (stage a cancer), decide whether you can have surgery to remove your cancer, decide which is the best treatment for your cancer, check whether your cancer has come back.